The 'Retail & Personal Lines' policies are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of the client: from the search for coverage to the settlement of the claim.
- solutions for the protection of assets from claims for compensation for damage caused to third parties;
- solutions for the protection of goods;
- solutions for the protection of the individual and the family.
The most valuable assets to protect are your home, your safety, and the people with whom you live. With the multi-risk home insurance policy you can protect your property, both movable and fixed, even if you are away from home or on holiday, from damage caused by:
- Fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, collision of road vehicles, atmospheric phenomena, socio-political events and vandalism, electrical phenomena, breakage of sheet glass and mirrors, damage from leaking water pipes and other various events such as the guarantee for third parties to protect you even when your neighbors' property is damaged by an event for which you are held responsible
- Theft, robbery or extortion, including damage suffered by thieves
- Damage that you or a member of your family, or your pet, could unintentionally cause to third parties in relation to private life or home ownership.
In everyday life, the safety of economic protection is guaranteed by the accident policy for you and your family. By "accident" we mean an event due to an unfortuitous, violent or external cause, which objectively results in ascertainable bodily injury, death, permanent or temporary disability. With our insurance solutions we can protect your peace of mind, both in your professional capacity and in your free time, during travel, holidays, in the field of road traffic or in the practice of recreational sports.
The insurable items are:
- Death
- Permanent disability
- Permanent disability due to illness
- Temporary disability
- Reimbursement of medical expenses
- Daily allowance – hospitalization – plaster-casts
The coverage includes:
- in the event of the death of the insured, a capital sum paid out to the designated beneficiaries provided for within the policy
- in the event of permanent disability ascertained, compensation established on the basis of the tables in the policy, including the 'INAIL' table as an option
In conjunction with the above, the insured can guarantee:
- a daily sum for temporary incapacity, following the definitive and permanently irremediable loss or decrease of generic work capacity
- a daily allowance for hospitalization or convalescence in case of hospitalization
- a daily allowance in case of application of a plaster-cast or other immobilizing device
- reimbursement of expenses incurred for medical treatment even without hospitalization.
Health care provided by the Italian National Health Service can be supplemented by taking out a traditional health policy or by linking Funds with special tax breaks for member companies.
In the purchase of fundamental health coverage, the anamnestic questionnaire is used, where statements are made pursuant to Article 1892 and 1893 of the Italian Civil Code is essential for the risk assessment, together with the age and place of residence of the insured person. The fundamental element that distinguishes the quality of a health policy is the duration; the majority of companies on the market offer a maximum period of 5 years, but there are niche products that allow for full-life risk coverage. Pay attention to the deadlines provided for by each contract, in these periods the coverage does not operate.
The health policy can be studied and configured to the client's needs:
- Supplementary or complete cover
- Duration
- Outpatient expenses
- Advanced diagnostics
- Periods of hospitalization and convalescence
- Permanent disability
Protect your tomorrow, and enjoy tax benefits today.
Think about your future today, to maintain your lifestyle even when you have retired. The supplementary pension is aimed at guaranteeing an additional pension with respect to the one provided through Social Security.
Activating an individual supplementary pension plan today represents a concrete opportunity for protection, with both the variety of insurance formulas and the advantages offered by current legislation:
- The contributions paid are deductible from total income for a maximum annual amount of 5,164.57 euro.
- Financial returns are taxed with a subsidized substitute tax compared to other investments.
- Tax equal to 15% of the contributions paid and deducted, is reduced by 0.30% for each year exceeding the 15th, down to a minimum rate of 9%.
- Stamp duty exemption on accumulated capital.
'TFM' (Collaborator Severance Indemnity)
Protect the commitments of your company without giving up a form of savings
The main purpose of the 'TFM' product is to cover the company's commitments towards collaborators for whom the payment of an end-of-mandate indemnity has been envisaged.
The objective of these policies is to allow the company to pre-establish the sources of its future financial commitments while enjoying the insurance benefits in the revaluation phase and take advantage of the tax benefits.
Protect your business from the loss of the key person
In every company there is a key person thanks to whom the success of the company develops, for each company the most important capital is human resources. Some of these people by virtue of their strategic role can be difficult to replace, and it is for this reason that it is necessary to protect oneself from unforeseen events, avoiding significant and immediate damage.
The KEY MAN Policy is the insurance tool that protects these professionals. In addition to protecting its economic interest, the company that uses this insurance solution benefits from tax advantages.
'TCM' (Term Life Insurance)
Protect the projects of your loved ones
In the event of premature death, guarantee your loved ones immediately available capital. The insurance solution that provides certainty of important economic help in a moment of serious uncertainty, such as the death of a family member. The insurance companies undertake to pay to the beneficiaries of the policies a pre-defined economic compensation as stipulated in the policy.
PROFESSIONAL 'RC' (Professional Indemnity)
The Professional 'RC' policy protects the freelancer from the risks that may arise during the performance of work activity, guaranteeing serenity and protecting their assets. This professional indemnity policy offers full coverage for damage caused to the client by negligence, recklessness and default, or simply for those caused voluntarily.
For professionals enrolled in a professional register belonging to the economic, legal, technical and medical classifications since 13 August 2013, insurance cover became obligatory to protect both the professional and their clients. With the emergence of new professional categories, and the growing resolution of new regulations, it becomes increasingly important to specifically address the professional's real insurance coverage needs. This is why we make our knowledge of this constantly evolving sector available to our clients.
For more information regarding the services that we offer, please contact us using the form below. We will be happy to respond to any request for further information.